O Give Thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His loving kindness is everlasting. 1 chronicles 16:24
The Saatman Memorial Fund was established in 1974 by the will of the deceased Mrs. Estelle D. Saatman, who was a member of Frankford Memorial. Mrs. Saatman specified that her legacy be invested and that the interest income be used to aid or assist individuals who wish to study for the Christian Ministry in entering upon and completing their education.
The Saatman Fund is administered by the Board of Trustees of Frankford Memorial United Methodist Church in Philadelphia Pennsylvania. The Saatman committee meets on the fourth Monday of the month January, June and September. In order for your application to be considered it must be received by June 1st.
The Saatman Fund is administered by the Board of Trustees of Frankford Memorial United Methodist Church in Philadelphia Pennsylvania. The Saatman committee meets on the fourth Monday of the month January, June and September. In order for your application to be considered it must be received by June 1st.
1. The Board of Trustees meet on the fourth Monday of January, June and September to review Saatman Applications. In order to be considered for the following school year (September to June) it is advisable to have your application submitted by June 1st of each year.
2. An application must be submitted every year which should include up to date financial information, scholastic progress and current grades. References and recommendations should be included. 3. Payment will be made directly to the school. If you have already paid the school, please submit a receipt from the school indicating that your bill has been paid. One half of the money will be paid each semester. All bills can be sent to Frankford Memorial, Attention Board of Trustees, 1300 Dyre Street, Philadelphia PA 19124. 4. Please keep the Board of Trustees informed of your scholastic progress. A copy of your grades should be sent to the Board of Trustees at the end of each semester. |
The funding source is limited to the interest accrued on the account each year. Unused funds from previous years may also be available for use.
Awards will be granted in the order in which they are received; by eligibility, completeness of application and available references. You may submit your application electronically to [email protected]. You must also mail a hard copy to the Board of Trustees. We will not be responsible for any lost or misdirected mail either electronic or otherwise. Do not send your application to the church with signature required for receipt or in an envelope that is to large to fit in an average mail box as there may be no one at the church to receive you paperwork. You may email or call our office for confirmation of receipt of your application, if necessary. Please leave a message on the voice mail @ 215-288-9800. Do not call the secretary for the status of your application. The Board of Trustees will inform you as soon as a decision has been made. |